Life has been crazy busy lately. I haven’t had much time to sit and really reflect on how much beauty has unfolded in my life recently.

A lot of things have shifted and my path has gained more clarity and trajectory. I have begun to fall deeply in love with my life and the magic that surrounds me.

In this quiet moment, I am overflowing with love and gratitude. God has blessed me with some of the best friends I have ever had. They see the beauty, love, and goodness in me. They encourage me. Most importantly, they let me shine. They protect me. They love me unconditionally. We have created a love that is unconditional, pure, and breathtakingly powerful. Love amplifies when it’s truly supported and given space to flow freely.

It feels good to wake up with joy in my heart. I love how I show up in the world. I love how the world has shown up for me, in some of the most beautiful and deliciously unexpected ways. I understand now. I see it perfectly. This is what life looks like when love shows up for you. This is how life is loving me in return. This is the reciprocity I have longed for.

I plan to show up for life, every day.